Oh the things that come out of the mouths of babes!!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Hello everyone....post #2 and I'm on my way! :-) I must report it's been a bit of a hectic week in the Wood household but happily, everyone is healthy and well. I have a few projects going on at once and even after I've written down everything that needs to be taken care of, I'm still feeling a wee bit overwhelmed...perhaps it may have something to do with the fact that for every 1 thing I cross off the list, I add another 2!! But I am not complaining...certainly not that...I'm blessed beyond belief! Thank you Jesus!

Inspiration has been a little hard to come by this week when it comes to the projects I've been working on. Seems as though when I try to sit down and create, I come up against a wall. I may have to do a little project purging. For all you creative folks out there -- what's your tip on overcoming those creative blocks that periodically come up? How do you see a project through that you may be feeling indifferent or ambiguous over? 

Luckily, this recent project I worked on came together pretty easily for me - once I had the sketch down anyway. Once again it's of my daughter at a young age (4 months old to be exact). One of these days I'll eventually put something up of her that is more recent! Using an older Valentine's line from We R Memory Keepers, this is what I came up with:

(She went through a phase where she kept sticking her little tongue out and I'm so glad we got these pictures of her demonstrating this little quirk of hers. She's never ceased to make her daddy and I laugh!)

Pleating the ribbon is something of a common trend right now (along with making your own paper flowers) and I saw a lot of this happening in the manufacturer sample layouts during the CHA (Craft & Hobby Association) tradeshow this year. While it does take some time (actually, a lot of time!) to do this, I just love the dimension it adds to the page, as well as the little "umph" it gives to the traditional use of ribbon in layouts.

Okay, now on to explaing the title of this blog....So my daughter and I were at the bank earlier this afternoon and she was getting hungry. I asked her what she felt like having for lunch since we were out running errands and wouldn't be planning our way home for quite a few more hours. She responds, "I don't know" so I say, "Okay, well let's you and I think about what we should eat"...in the meantime, my phone is alerting me to a text message and I'm now focused on my phone and responding to the text...she then responds, "Mommy, you're not thinking. You're just pushing buttons on your phone."  Way to put me in my place, honey.

Parents - what have your children done lately to put you in yours?

Thanks for visiting today everyone :) Hugs to all,


  1. What a sweet layout! Love your pleated ribbon. I am struggling with the same thing. I literally pushed paper around for about three hours!! LOL It finally came together. I think what will help me, is to purge my supplies, so I can actually see what I have!! LOL It gets overwhelming, when there is just too much!
    Love the paper you use, and what your daughter told you! LOL Macie does this all the time. All I can do is smile! Hugs!

  2. The pleating ribbon is a nice touch, once again an adorable Layout, good job!

    Inspiration is always hard for me to come by, why do you think I'm here?! LOL! Looking through my "Creative Keepsakes" SB mags usually get my creative juices flowing..."scrap lift" is my middle name!


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