Back in the Saddle

Monday, March 28, 2016

Hello everyone! 

Boy oh boy has it been a hot minute since I’ve logged onto my blog, much less updated it! However, I figured this was going to be “my year” since I have found myself in a situation where I can actually dedicate some time with regularity to my hobby/craft. That of course, means some time to also focus on updating my blog. My aim is to try to do at least one post a month. I don’t want to get overly ambitious and say weekly so I’m trying to set a manageable goal for myself. Of course, this will be played by ear as I gain some traction with said goals :-) 

So what have I been up to these last several years? Well let’s see…besides raising my daughter who is now nearly 10 yrs old (cue uncontrollable sobbing here), remaining in love with my best friend for nearly 11 yrs (we just celebrated our 10 yr anniversary last fall in Europe! *Note to self: must scrapbook all those pictures), and generally keeping busy with my career there truly hasn’t been a lot of time dedicated to my craft - aside from having the occasional time for a handmade card here and there, and let’s not forget the continuous hoarding of scrapbooking and card making goodies, life truly has just passed my hobby by. 

The biggest news lately is that we’re expecting our 2nd (and surprise!) baby in June. We’re all pretty excited but the jury is still out with my daughter. However, I have faith she’ll change her mind once her baby brother has arrived. Beyond that, I have once again decided to put my Human Resources career on hold due to some changes in our family’s needs. Namely since my husband’s job demands have increased and he’s traveling a significant amount resulting in the decision for me to now stay home and be more available to not only my daughter, but our family as a whole. 

As far as what I’m up to with regards to crafting — I’ve been doing a lot of card making lately and managed to complete a couple projects including a layout and mini album. All of which I’ve posted to my Instagram Account (please follow me if you’re inclined!). I’ve also been entering a lot of my challenges as posted by my varying favorite stamp manufacturers. I have plans to do another challenge and I will begin my first official “scrapbooking/card making” post with that completed project, which I’m hoping to do by 3/30. *2 posts this week…what?!*

Anyhow, I think Ive rambled on enough for today. Although, my 4 yr hiatus probably warranted a longer post! Would love to hear from you all again — what’s been new with you? What sorts of projects have you been working on? Let’s stay in touch! Until then my friends….


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